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back stroke drills 


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this drill strengthens your arms and you can practice pulling through the water as hard as you possible can. simply place your poolboy between your thighs and swim backstroke arms, and DO NOT KICK! i know you will be tempted, but this stoke is effective without kick. try to swim as far as you can using just your arms - until they are so exhausted you can't move them again!

pullboy backstoke 

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this drill is a very popular and useful. the diagram explains the dynamics of the drill very well, but I will also explain it here too. you start by pushing off the wall, then raise one arm 90 degrees, pushed up against your ear. lower it to 45 degrees, then bring it all the way over again. this drill helps drill into you arm position in the air when doing backstroke

clock/compass drill

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this drill is very effective and also quite a challenge! you need to get an ordinary plastic cup or bottle, and place it on your forehead. your aim is to try and go for as long as you can swimming backstroke before the cup falls off. this is very useful to fix head position and making sure you have a stable head position, as this Is one of the key backstroke technique points. fun fact - this was missy franklins favourite backstroke drill!

cup drill

backstroke drills 2 : Testimonial
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