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breaststroke drills 


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this is a brilliant and very simple breaststroke kick drill. push off from the wall on your back in either streamlined position or with your arms across your chest. then do the breaststroke kick, but just on your back, focusing on kicking your feet hard and making sure your feet are really turned out, heels facing inwards in the "penguin position." this drill helps you develop a propulsive - pushing/propelling kick and helps you position your knees inside your feet correctly.

backstroke kick on back

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this is a very effective drill that solves head position and breathing issues quickly if done correctly. you need a tennis ball for this drill, which you will place in your neck, tucked underneath your chin. you will then swim normal breaststroke, trying to keep the tennis ball tucked in under your chin. this helps you find a steady head position, as you have to keep looking down at there pool with the ball, which is the correct position too, and also helps you breath with the lift of the stroke.

tennis ball breaststroke

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this drill helps you truly feel the changing of the elbow position and appreciate the use of the hand when it comes to breastroke. push off the wall normally and start to swim breaststroke, but ball your hands up into fists and swim like that. it may seem very difficult at first, but you will soon get the hang of it. it really shows you the changes in elbow position and you can start to realise the need and use of your hands in breaststroke.

breaststroke with fists 

breaststroke drills 2: Testimonial
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